OUR Pastor

Matthew Riley Jr.

The Reverend Matthew Riley, Jr., Pastor of the Saint Phillips Baptist Church is a native of Sumter, South Carolina.

He moved to Baltimore, Maryland with his family when he was a teenager. Matthew is most grateful to his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for saving his soul at the age of thirteen.

Little did he know at that time that God moves in mysterious ways. God’s hands were actively at work in Matthew’s life at a young age, working out His good pleasure.

Matthew continued to embrace his walk, although there were times in his life when he ran from the Lord. His great desire is to conform to the image of Jesus Christ.

The Riley's

Matthew met and married the love of his life and soul mate forever, Elizabeth Harris. It was love at first sight. Out of this union, Mia Elizabeth Riley and Matthew Riley III were born.

Pastor Riley is not a complicated man. One of his favorite scriptures is Psalm 37:23: The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD.

Growth of St. Phillips

Under the preaching and teaching ministry of Pastor Riley, Saint Phillips Baptist Church experienced spiritual and physical growth. The Lord richly blessed Saint Phillips by providing a new church building in 1999 to accommodate the growth and expansion of its ministries.

Pastor Riley’s testimony is: All that I own comes from Jesus. My life, my health, my strength, my joy, my love, my all… Everything, Jesus gave it to me. I don’t have one thing that I can brag or boast about because Jesus is the reason for it all…                    


         To God be the glory for the things He has done!

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